
Haus Delecke Restaurant Bankettveranstaltung


We are the right partner for your individual event, such as weddings, birthdays, communions, funerals and much more. Our versatile ambience, from the castle-like park to the main house and the rustic coach house, offers the perfect setting for every taste. With fresh regional food and professional service you will feel in good hands.

Here you can download important information as PDF.

Your perfect wedding at Haus Delecke

Are you looking for a beautiful wedding location? We at Haus Delecke will make your perfect day even more perfect. What exactly we can offer you, you can now read in our wedding folder. Just click on the button and download the document!

Did you know that our guest folder is now also available in digital form?

Broaching overview


Our Remise presents itself with a rustic, Westphalian charm. With an open fireplace, its own bar and separate buffet room, it provides the perfect setting for your event.

Size: 220 square meters

Board: 40

Banquet: 90

Room height: up to 10 meters

Main house

In the castle-like ambience it is possible to celebrate royal festivities. With high stucco ceilings, large chandeliers and large windows, the premises shine in bright light. Together with modern comfort, it offers an unforgettable setting for your celebrations.

Size: 300 square meters

Board: Upon request

Banquet: 120

Room height: up to 10 meter


Wir wurden rezertifiziert!

Wir freuen uns sehr, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass das Hotel Haus Delecke erneut mit vier Sternen zertifiziert wurde! Diese Auszeichnung ist für uns eine besondere Ehre und ein Beweis für unser kontinuierliches Engagement für Qualität und Service.

Mehr dazu erfahren Sie in unseren Neuigkeiten

Haus Delecke - Zertifizierung
Remise Speisen und Getränkekarte

12.04.2024 closed. 14.04.2024 only open from 6 pm. (Closed Society)